Is College Worth is in 2018? ?(Top 3 Pros & Cons of University)

Is College Worth is in 2018? ?(Top 3 Pros & Cons of University) Is college worth it in 2018? What do you think?
What are your stories & experiences?
Is there a college debt problem?
What are some alternatives?

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So what are the alternatives?

Simply put, we live in the biggest Education Revolution in History.

It’s all about specialized, specific online courses, instead of broad, general (and expensive) online degrees.

You can learn skills FAR quicker via these online courses, for a FRACTION of the cost. And many companies will acknowledge the certificates these courses give.

Simply put, companies want to hire talented people, not just people with degrees. So if you can prove that, employers will consider you.

BUT, if you KNOW you don’t want to be an employee — and you want to be an ENTREPRENEUR — most people e.g. Gary Vee and others, will say College is definitely NOT build for producing entrepreneurs.

Let’s face it — college is organized to produce great employees for corporations. That’s just the system. Not that it’s good or bad, it does produce great economies, but it’s not for everyone.

If you want to go to college for ‘Business”, this may mean that you don’t know what field, but you do wanna ‘be rich’. You have ambition. I’d say hold off and go find out WHO you want to live like, and emulate what they are doing.

This is the key idea in The 4-Hour Work Week… Think about HOW you want to LIVE, and design your career around that. Don’t let your career, e.g. how you make money, dictate the kind of life you have to live.

So if you know you DO want to be an Entrepreneur and be in control of your career and schedule, then you are in luck in this digital era we live in.

(My favorite part about running my own business is the flexibility of schedule, by far…. its the best thing)(second is freedom of location… I can live and work anywhere, including Thailand where I’ve been based for 4 years now)


If you want to be an Entrepreneur or Creative, the opportunities to build your own small brand & business are the greatest they’ve ever been, because of the internet. I’m just one example, but there are thousands.

On top of that, you can do this from anywhere in the world, if you want. If you also want travel and experiencing other cultures to be a part of your life — well you can kill two birds with one stone. Having your own internet-based career allows you to work form anywhere. Be it Thailand, Panama, or from home.

Someone who works from a laptop and lives in different cities and countries throughout the year is called a digital nomad. And this has been be for the past 4 years. So i’m just sharing my journey and saying that this IS a possibility.

So you want to do your own thing but don’t know where to start?

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And let me know your thoughts!



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